Jenny's Paper Minis

Old News


Another two sets have been uploaded before the new years starts: Imperial Chalactan Infantry and Headquarters

Happy New Year and Happy Paper Cutting!!


Fast attack support for the Imperial Army:
The All Terrain Anti-Infantry Walkers have become one of the most versatile biped vehicles of the Empire. In early campaigns they were deployed mainly for reconnaissance missions, but the devastating impact on enemy infantry and even lightly armored vehicles makes the AT-AI an invaluable tool for both defensive and offensive operations.


During the past week two Imperial units, which were basically finished last year, got completed :-).
Imperial Infantry Shock Troops: although the Empire prefers fast, mobile warfare, when it comes to infiltration of fortified emplacements, trench raids or urban warfare "Shock Troops" are sent into action.
Imperial Army of Lao-Mon: Lao-Mon units have specialized on the dangerous field of jungle warfare. Of course, desert uniforms are also provided ;-).


Finally an update :-). I've finished two units which have been resting on my hard disk for almost a year :-O, Imperial colonial infantry and Imperial field artillery including guns and vehicles.


One of the old Imperial Divisions got a face lift :-): version 2 with updated uniform colors, support weapons units included and headgear variations added.


Happy New Year everyone!!

A large bundle of imperials is packed - more than 600 girls X-D. In fact, it's two bundles: a large one with new infantry units (divisions of the "Mexeluine Imperial Infantry") and a smaller one with Mexeluine Army Corps Headquarters and even an Army Headquarters (ok, the Army HQ is a cheap mod of the Army Corps staff...). And that's not all: I've also re-packed the Orks into a pdf-file with low jpg-compression, the color-artefacts of the old file were rather annoying :-/ (though it can still be downloaded).


Great news today: finally the Imperial girls got a worthy enemy (well, at least one unit type) - the most classic enemy of a human army: Orks!!
Of course, outnumbering the opponent is really orky, hence each infantry unit comes with 3 headgear-, 2 weapons- and 3 color-variations. That's 18 pages full of frenzy Boyz :-D.


No update for five monthes :-O... however, new troops are deployed ;-D: army corps headquarters of the colonial guard and light marine infantry, a set of new infantry divisions ("South Ansion": three versions, each with desert/savanna and jungle camo) and the corresponding army corps headquarters.


Suggested by JuniorGeneral's Daniel, the Marine Infantry girls got Landing Crafts, including crews and cargo :-).
There was also a small inconsistency in the front- and backside of the Colonial Guard's wounded soldier... it's fixed in v.1.1.


More pseudo-victorian units: imperial colonial guard and light marine infantry.


A new 15 mm infantry division in steam/diesel punk inspired style :-).


Wow... where has the time gone? This little site has been up for more than a year now... yay :-). So it's time for a huge anniversary-update of the 15 mm girl's army: the third part of the special weapon teams (flamethrowers), divisional Recon & Spec Ops brigades, artillery and light mortar crews and a new (elite) infantry division, the famous "Nagai Rifles" ;-).


Second part of the special weapons: light machine gun companies.


After a long break, the special weapons are on their way. Today starting with anti-tank companies for the girls' infantry divisions.


The final 4 units of the Imperial 15 mm infantry: Elrood Highland Division, another Nova Kron Division and 2 more Army Corps Headquarters. Next will be special weapon companies.


A big update - the Imperial 15 mm infantry units are almost done: Army Headquarters, Andaran and Nova Kron Army Corps HQ, Assault Guard infantry division (including Scarlet Guard infantry and regular assault infantry divisions... altogether 6 variations of the unit) plus another basic infantry division... 29 MB full of girlie troops :-).


First set of modified Imperial Army figures: a division of the famous "Andaran and Nova Kron Army Corps (ANKAC)" ;-)


The next level of the chain of command: two sets of Imperial army corps headquarters, as usual one with desert and one with khaki uniforms. I'm working on some modifications of the already created modular figures, so that these new figures will represent infantry troops from different parts of the Empire =).


After some tests the "15 mm Army Project" has started - (female) soldiers built of modular parts for massive 15 mm battles. The first infantry division is finished with a similar mixture of troops as the Guard Infantry. Again two versions of the division are available: with desert and with khaki uniforms. Each set contains 24 infantry soldiers, 2 heavy machine guns, 4 NCOs, 4 brigadiers, 1 bugler, 1 medic, 1 comm-link and 1 division commander. (Many) more will follow :-)!


The alien merchant is finished and submitted to the Forum Hoard.


Test of a low resolution design with simplified colors for 15 mm figures. I think the result is ok: three sets of female Imperial Infantry soldiers (2 girls per set), one set is wearing a desert uniform, one set a tropical uniform in khaki and one set is uncolored. I have also added the color palette of the uniforms. Hopefully, many more soldier-girls will follow. :-)


Frontside preview of my submission to OneMonk's February Forum Hoard: an alien merchant, who travels across the market places of the Outer Rim - markets where you can buy all kind of fine goods like Corellian whiskey, astromech parts or female Twi'leks...


Added a preview pic of an upcoming Ashoka Tano figure. Be warned - she's got some muscles here! :-)


The Space Ork for OneMonk's January Forum Hoard is finished just in time...


The website is up :-). Here you may find all the files with my miniatures. Have fun!


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